5 Ways Contract Recruitment Can Benefit Renewable Energy Projects

11 mins

Contract recruitment in renewable energy is a valuable service utilised to secure often nich...

Rebecca O'Rourke

By Rebecca O'Rourke

Contract recruitment in renewable energy is a valuable service utilised to secure often niche expertise to support specific tasks or provide specialist skills throughout the duration of a project. Hiring a contractor offers numerous benefits, including flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and more. In this guide, we’ll answer the question of ‘What is contract recruitment?’ before delving into the 5 key ways it can benefit your future renewable energy projects. 

In this guide, we’ll explore:

  • What is contract recruitment in renewable energy?
  • How contract recruitment can benefit renewable energy projects

What is contract recruitment in renewable energy?

Contract recruitment, otherwise referred to as contract staffing, is an approach focused on acquiring independent workers to operate for or on behalf of a company for an agreed time period. Regarding finding temporary talent to support renewable energy projects, contract hiring mirrors the approach taken by other industries. It involves bringing in one or a team of renewable energy contractors on a fixed-term basis who operate independently as opposed to hiring permanent employees. 

Typically, renewable energy projects involve various intricate tasks and multiple phases, which often necessitate expertise from an individual for a limited duration. For example, the initial development phase of a wind energy project or solar farm might require specialist engineering skills or deep environmental knowledge, which may not be necessary when the project is commercially operational. 

In scenarios like this, hiring a contractor provides access to the specific talent needed for certain project phases without committing to making permanent hires. Contract staffing is an excellent solution for solving short-term hiring challenges for a renewable energy project's lifecycle or addressing periods of higher demand. 

To summarise, before we move on to exactly how contract recruitment can benefit renewable energy projects, contract staffing serves as a strategic solution to secure specialist expertise to deliver specific aspects of a project. 

So, by engaging with independent renewable energy contractors for a predetermined duration, companies can access the required skill sets they need without committing to longer-term and permanent hires. Ultimately, this helps to effectively manage short-term recruitment challenges and other fluctuations during the project.

How contract recruitment can benefit renewable energy projects

There are several examples of how contract recruitment can benefit renewable energy projects. In this section, we'll highlight these, from how it's a flexible and cost-effective solution to being less of a risk while also saving time and introducing you to a broader range of specialist talent. By the end of this section, you'll have a clear understanding of how contract staffing can be a valuable service to your current and future projects. 

1. Contract recruitment is a flexible solution

One significant benefit of contract recruitment is how it offers flexibility to renewable energy projects, especially when professionals are required for specific roles for set time periods. Whether a company needs to increase its headcount for a particular project, address busy periods within an annual schedule or combat talent shortages, hiring renewable energy contractors allows organisations the flexibility to adapt to various recruitment-related demands. 

Contract recruitment is flexible in how it allows the employer to specify the terms of what they’re looking for from their renewable energy contractor. A business can outline the type of role they’re recruiting for, the skills they need, and the duration they require the talent for. For example, if a company knows they require a wind technician to work on an onshore wind farm for six months, contract staffing allows them the flexibility to bring in the talent they need for the six-month duration.

Renewable energy projects can span across various geographical locations. Contract staffing allows businesses to tap into talent worldwide and deploy independent workers to specific regions where the project is being developed. This flexible allocation of resources applies to remote, hybrid and on-site jobs in renewable energy. For more specific support on remote hiring, read our guide on How to Manage Remote Hiring for Renewable Energy Jobs.

Other examples of the flexibility surrounding contract hiring include offering a range of employment contract types. These could consist of fixed-term or part-time agreements to fill a skills and talent gap or cover absences of your permanent hire, such as annual leave, maternity and paternity leave or other personal-related time off. This flexibility allows organisations to continue operating efficiently and effectively year-round, with the option to scale up or down on resources as needed. 

The flexibility of hiring a contractor also allows businesses to build relationships with talent. When a renewable energy contractor completes their contract, the employer has the flexibility to extend the duration of the contract or use the specialist for future renewable energy projects. 

In time, the organisation may offer the individual a permanent contract and hire them full-time. The flexibility of contract recruitment allows companies to manage their workforce and adjust headcounts depending on their evolving needs. 

2. Hiring a contractor can be cost-effective 

Next on our list of ways contract staffing can benefit renewable energy projects is how it can be a cost-effective solution to immediate hiring challenges. Whether used in tandem with or as an alternative to full-time hires, this recruitment service can significantly reduce overhead expenses, enabling businesses to better manage their project and talent acquisition budgets.

Renewable energy contractors are independent workers, meaning they are not official employees. Instead, they work on behalf of a company as freelancers or as part of a contract hiring agency. As they are not defined as permanent employees, businesses are not responsible for financial obligations associated with contract workers. 

These obligations can include onboarding, training, taxes, insurance, annual leave, office space, equipment, and other benefits they would otherwise provide to permanent hires. Additionally, as renewable energy contractors work on a temporary basis, they do not require a fixed annual salary. Instead, the business hiring a contractor pays for the specific time period it needs the contract worker. 

The aforementioned enables businesses to save money on aspects of recruitment they would need to account for if they were to make a permanent hire. Essentially, the cost-effectiveness associated with contract recruitment allows organisations to invest in what they can justify financially - paying for the talent they need when they require it and for how long. This benefit of contract staffing is particularly useful when budgets are tight or in times of economic uncertainty. 

Overall, the cost-effective benefits of contract staffing are especially valuable when budgets are tight or in times of economic uncertainty. While permanent hires are required for business growth, there are times when contract staffing makes more logical and financial sense. For example, for renewable energy projects with clearly defined scopes, temporary need for specific skills and more immediate hiring requirements.

3. Contract staffing is less of a risk

Hiring a contractor for renewable energy projects is also beneficial by being less of a risk for employers. As contractors are essentially self-employed or are recruited by an agency, organisations that hire them are not obligated to offer them certain benefits they would provide to a permanent team member. 

In addition, companies avoid the responsibility of adhering to specific labour laws and legalities associated with hiring full-time staff. Instead, the contract worker or their agency takes care of this. Acquiring renewable energy contractors also mitigates risks of litigation and HR disputes due to the contract workers' varying legal statuses.

Another way contract recruitment is less of a risk is how it can act like a trial run or a precursor to offering a permanent position. For example, a company could bring in a renewable energy contractor on a short-term basis to see if their skills were beneficial and performance positively impacted the project. 

Once the employer has reviewed how the contractor performed throughout the contract, they can extend the contract, offer a permanent position, or part ways with the independent worker. All of this can be done without the legal and financial risks and complexities of terminating a permanent hire.

Making a permanent hire is never wrong but arguably more risky. Of course, more often than not, hiring an employee on a full-time basis works out for both parties - especially if the candidate is guided through a thorough recruitment process. However, if a company realises they've made the wrong hire, the legal and financial headaches associated with parting ways with the permanent hire are far more challenging than hiring a contractor.

Again, using renewable energy contractors enables you to trial-run the talent to assess their compatibility and skill set without worrying about making a long-term commitment. There is the argument that organisations require immediate talent to meet a hard project deadline and can't afford to risk "trialling" a contract hire. Here, it's important to note that with any hire comes some element of risk. Ensuring you hire the right fit for the role ultimately comes down to your recruitment process. 

Additionally, contractors are often specialists in their niche and have moved into independent work because of their reputation and extensive experience. Therefore, they will likely be able to meet your expectations regarding your renewable energy projects from the outset. 

Ultimately, taking this trial-run approach can minimise the risk of wrong hires. Contract recruitment presents opportunities for clients to hire renewable energy contractors full-time based on performance and fit. 

Overall, contract staffing provides:

  • A less risky approach to talent attraction
  • Flexibility
  • Adaptability
  • An opportunity to make more informed hiring decisions

4. Hiring a contractor saves time on renewable energy projects

Another reason contract recruitment can benefit renewable energy projects is that it's a streamlined service that can save time on hiring. As we've mentioned, hiring a contractor is often a solution to immediate staffing needs. This is the case because contract workers are typically experienced professionals capable of transitioning into a role in no time at all.

With contract staffing, an organisation is bringing in a seasoned professional who will be readily available to hit the ground running. Renewable energy contractors often have a wide range of expertise and niche skill sets. They have also usually worked on similar projects in previous contract jobs, eliminating the need for an employer to put the talent through an extensive onboarding process, including specific training. 

Contract staffing is done through a company's internal hiring team or with support from a specialist renewable energy recruitment agency. The latter is often the best option, as it saves time and resources for sourcing and placing talent. 

Recruitment agencies are general hiring experts and know how to find contractors quickly and efficiently, allowing companies to focus on other aspects of their renewable energy projects. Additionally, they often have an extensive network of renewable energy contractors they can tap into when required. 

Many renewable energy recruitment agencies specialising in contract staffing can source the right person for the job within 24 hours to a few business days. On the other hand, the hiring process for permanent hires can take a few weeks and includes other intricacies, such as multiple interview stages, onboarding, training, and getting the right cultural fit - all of which can take much longer than the contract hiring process. 

Overall, contract recruitment can bring in talent quicker, which is perfect for overcoming immediate challenges and saving time on renewable energy projects.

5. Contract recruitment introduces you to a broader talent pool

Our final benefit surrounding contract recruitment is how it can introduce your business and its renewable energy projects to a broader talent pool with specialist skills. As the renewable industry experiences its current talent shortage, highlighted in our Inflation Reduction Act content, sourcing permanent talent with the specific skills you require has never been more challenging. 

Being open with your recruitment strategy to the possibility of hiring a contractor can introduce you to a wider range of candidates with the experience, expertise, and specialist skills you require. Additionally, renewable energy contractors can operate remotely or on-site. As a result, companies have the opportunity to gain a competitive advantage and tap into specialised skills beyond their local talent pool. 

Renewable energy contractors have opted for a career path as independent workers because they’ve established a reputation within the industry that allows them to pick and choose what projects they work on. Therefore, they are typically experienced professionals who have made a career choice to hone in on specific skills to become a specialist within their area. Their extensive expertise allows them to make an immediate and significant impact on business operations.

Unless a company has the resources in-house, gaining access to this border talent pool with specific and specialist skills is best done with support from a contract recruitment agency. Drawing from market knowledge and diverse candidate pools, consultants can seamlessly fill open positions with qualified professionals possessing the specific skills needed for the project. 

Final thoughts on contract recruitment in renewable energy

In summary, contract recruitment offers renewable energy projects a strategic solution to secure specialist expertise without the long-term commitment associated with permanent hires. Companies can access the precise skill sets needed for specific project phases by engaging with independent contractors for predetermined durations, effectively managing short-term recruitment challenges. 

The benefits of contract staffing are clear:

  1. Flexibility in adapting to project needs

  2. Cost-effectiveness by avoiding obligations of full-time employment

  3. Reduced risk through trial runs

  4. Time savings through streamlined hiring processes

  5. Access to a broader talent pool with specialist skills

Embracing contract recruitment for renewable energy projects can ensure efficient project execution and foster innovation and competitiveness in the rapidly evolving renewables industry.

Looking to hire a renewable energy contractor?

If you’re considering hiring a contractor to support your future renewable energy projects, we can help. We have over 20 years of experience operating in renewables, lending contract staffing expertise to global organisations. By partnering with us, we can connect you with the top renewable energy contractors, helping you overcome your immediate talent acquisition challenges. 

Contact us today to see how we can support you with your contract recruitment needs.