
As energy companies around the world increase their focus on developing sustainable low carbon solutions, our priority and value lies in providing the skilled engineers and technical workforce needed to help our clients achieve their net zero commitment by 2050 and provide a brighter tomorrow.

Working Towards Net Zero

We recognise that as an international business emissions from the air travel we undertake to conduct business are challenging to avoid, so we ensure that we offset these emissions through investing in responsible carbon-offset projects.

This year we are proud to have offset 100% of the business travel of our 1,700+ employees, making our entire corporate footprint carbon neutral and ensuring that as a business we not only provide the expertise to transform the world’s energy supply, but we also protect ecosystems and improve lives, livelihoods and landscapes for local communities around the world.​

Net Zero Initiatives


Carbon Offsetting Certification

Community Investment

We have invested in the following community projects:

Delivering wind energy to communities in Nicaragua – this project delivers renewable, affordable and clean electricity. Through increased access to reliable energy, it reduces energy interruptions to businesses, increasing employment and income, enhancing economic and improving living conditions

Find out more here.

Providing energy efficient cookstoves to remote Indian villages – this project focuses on providing more energy efficient cookstoves to domestic households, reducing fuel use and lowering household pollution.

The stoves also save families valuable time previously spent collecting firewood, increasing economic opportunities and income. The project specifically helps the underrepresented, with an additional focus on women, enabling them to develop entrepreneurial skills and helping them be part of the social dialogue.

Find out more here.

EcoVadis, one of the world's most trusted providers of business sustainability ratings, recently scored NES Fircroft for our environmental initiatives. 

Scoring 51 out of a possible 100. For achieving the score of above 45+ Ecovadis awarded NES Fircroft with a Committed Badge.

The accreditation is testament to the impact of our corporate sustainability efforts and demonstrates NES Fircroft’s continued commitment to Environmental improvements.

UN Sustainable Development Goals Support

In supporting these projects, the following UN Sustainable Development Goals are being pursued:

Un Goal 3 Good Health and Wellbeing

Good Health and Wellbeing

Un Goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

Affordable and Clean Energy

Un Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Un Goal 13 Climate Action

Climate Action

Un Goal 15 Life on Land

Life on Land

Staffing expertise for a brighter tomorrow

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